Pet Peeves

Firstly I would like to thank J.D. Estrada for his Writing Pet Peeves Blog-Hop Edition piece, I agree with each and every point and here are a few of my own.

Cliches- When I read anything where a cliche has been used I am pretty sure my brain goes, oh we know this line and it doesn't inspire me, so I shall jump to the next line or paragraph. There are some books I have started to read that have so many that I can literally miss out pages and still know exactly what is happening and well nobody wants that. I want each line to draw me in a little further, I want the fear that if I miss a line that I will miss something vital, not that I can miss whole paragraphs and it makes no difference to the story.

The End - Unfortunately there have been too many occasions where I have started a book and thought, this is fantastic. Then I get to the middle and it gets even better and on one hand I want to get to the end to see what happens, on the other hand I don't because I don't want the book to end and then I get there and it feels rush. If feels like someone has told the author, ok, get a shift on we need to get this book out there. The end then feels as if they have squashed everything into a few pages and I am left feeling so very disappointed.

Trendy - Now I understand that contemporary stories need to show they are exactly that, but when something, be it Twitter, Zombies or Velvet Blazers are sliced in purely because they are trendy and not because they add anything to the book, well I must confess it annoys me. With so many possibilities, if you are going to use something that is currently trending, please make sure it fits with the story.

Social Media - I detest when someone writes something mean purely to attract attention at the cost of hurting other people. It shows one of the uglier sides of humanity and with so many platforms for people to show off on it really isn't necessary.

So that is my pet peeves, well on this subject anyway :) If you have any pet peeves on writing or reading I would love to hear them.


Cate x
