How do you build up your confidence day to day?

Confidence isn't something that magically appears one day. It is something that is built over time and from my experience it is something that is best developed by taking small steps outside of your comfort zone.

There is a very specific reason I say small steps because whilst it is good to challenge yourself, if you endeavour to do this in one giant leap then you could also be setting yourself to fail magnificently and this could set you back rather than helping you move forward. 

So start with simple steps and you are much more likely to succeed, building on those has been from my experience and my staff a most effective way of proving to yourself that you are capable of more than you ever realised.

Every small success can help you grow emotionally and professionally and before you know it you have achieved so much more than you ever thought possible.

For example, I had for many years wanted to write a book but the prospect of taking on such a giant task in one go put me off from even beginning. Then one day following a discussion with a friend I had an idea for what I originally thought would be a short story. I sat down that night and just began to write, I could write a short story I told myself, that didn't seem too scary. A short while later I came across a short story competition and thought maybe I could enter what I had started to write. However, when I checked the word count I discovered that my story was already way too long to enter and I also knew the story was nowhere near finished, I realised that by taking what I considered to be a small step towards writing a book and turned into me actually writing a book.
So rather than putting off things you want to do because they seem too big a leap why not try taking it one small step at a time, in a very short time who knows what you might have achieved and what talents you might have discovered you never knew you had!

One final word of advice, we live busy lives and it is easy to tell yourself you don't have time to work on yourself and your goals so start by giving yourself a ten-minute time slot each day to work on something for you whether that is first thing in the morning, during your lunch break or even in the middle of the night. You will be amazed at how good you can feel by working on something for you, even in this short period of time.
